The Signup List has been inactivated til February 2005


HerDomain.Org Trade Show Booth Volunteer Information


SXSW 2005 Interactive Trade Show • March 11th-15th

Austin Convention Center • 500 E Cesar Chavez St. • Austin, TX 78701 • (512) 476-5461

Trade Show Hours: Sunday March 13th 12-6 PM • Monday March 14th 12-6 PM • Tuesday March 14th 12-4 PM

Click the button to volunteer.

Photos of Her Domain
at SXSW 2003 / 2002

We would like two volunteers per shift. You may volunteer for up to two shifts initially to ensure that everyone who wants to volunteer, gets a chance. If the roster is not filled by xday, March xth, anyone, including those who have already volunteered, may sign up for unclaimed shifts.

Her Domain is counting on you to honor your time commitment. If you must cancel, PLEASE try to find a replacement by posting to the Her Domain List, and give both your assigned booth partner and the Volunteer Coordinator as much notice as possible so they can extend their own shifts if desired. (For this purpose, scheduled names will be linked to email addresses.)

Questions? E-mail: the Volunteer Coordinator